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and Noise Floor Measurements of Macintosh Built-In and Third Party
A list of measurements performed by Mac the Scope is given below. The computer's sound output jack was connected to the sound input jack with an audio cable. Waavebox provided the signal. (The one-click measurement procedure also is included with the Mac the Scope demo / updater package.) A "perfect" response would show a single peak at 1 kHz. Most measurements were made with the computer also supplying the test signal (full duplex), except where noted. Thus, the measurement includes noise and distortion both from the computer sound output and the sound input. Measurements with Mac the Scope the results are summarized in the table. Differences of a few dB are insignificant. The devices in the table are ordered chronologically. Measurements are full duplex, unless noted. Values in dB relative to digital full scale; e.g., -120 dB = 0.0001 %.
*The LynxONE and LynxTWO are PCI cards (this dispels the longstanding myth that having the sound card "inside" the computer causes excessive noise). The RME ADI-8 is an external, rackmount ADC / DAC that requires an additional interface (PCI or PCMCIA) for connecting the sound input to the computer. |
Similar measurements of sound cards designed for Wintel PCs can be found at these websites: |
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