Seta L20 - Large-Signal (36 Volts peak to peak output) Sine Wave, 0.1 Hz to 500 kHz
This is a test using sine waves from 0.1 Hz to 500 kHz. Input level and preamplifier gain were adjusted to give an output level of 36 Volts peak to peak. This is an extreme amplifier torture test.
- The input signal is the blue trace, output red trace.
- The input signal is taken from the input of the balanced signal attenuator, shown in above photo.
- The input signal level is the same for all measurements.
- The signal's frequency shown on the display is measured by the 'scope's frequency counter.
- The signal's output level shown on the display is measured by the 'scope's waveform measurement function.
- These are all single-shot measurements. Signal-averaged measurements would be cleaner and prettier.
- The "Flat" preamplifier output was used, since the RIAA filter would substantially attenuate any high frequency signal.
0.1 Hz, 36 volts peak to peak output
1 Hz, 36 volts peak to peak output
10 Hz, 36 volts peak to peak output
100 Hz, 36 volts peak to peak output
1 kHz, 36 volts peak to peak output
10 kHz, 36 volts peak to peak output
100 kHz, 36 volts peak to peak output
500 kHz, 36 volts peak to peak output
Links to other Seta L20 measurements